李總經理受邀擔任Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine Asia 2023講師

2023-11-08 0

富禾生醫總經理李建謀受邀擔任國際研討會講師,以「Cancer Immunotherapy ─ Precision Diagnosis and Personalized Medicine」為主題分享,藉著與國際人士進行世界級的研討分享,期望能更加推動國內在精準診斷及客製化治療相關研究領域的應用發展。

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FullHope Biomedical Co., Ltd. (FHB) was founded by professional immunologists and managers in 2012, and focusing on the immune system related services and innovative R&D. Our goal is to establish the cell-based immunotherapies for cancers and autoimmune disorders.

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